Maths at Wyvern
Wyvern Primary School follows the National Curriculum for Mathematics. Our aim is for children to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems.
When teaching mathematics at Wyvern Primary School we provide a curriculum which caters for the needs of all individuals. All children are encouraged to believe in their ability to master mathematics and are empowered to succeed through curiosity and persistence, while tackling the same concepts at the same time and progressing together as a whole class. We ensure all learners are challenged and stretched in each and every maths lesson, encouraging resilience and an acceptance that struggle is often a necessary step in learning.
Teachers deliver daily lessons that are both creative and engaging using White Rose Maths. We start each lesson with an arithmetic focus to improve children's fluency in number and calculation. Small Steps teaching sequences are used as a basis for long term planning. Children are given time to develop a deep understanding of the mathematical concepts they are studying through unit-based learning sequences. Throughout a maths unit, teachers use Teaching for Mastery principles which enable pupils to make connections between prior knowledge and new concepts, leading to greater depth learning.
A wide range of mathematical resources are used when delivering the mathematics curriculum and pupils are taught to use practical equipment and pictorial representations before moving to more formal written methods.
Rich discussion during Maths lessons enhance the children’s vocabulary and ensures they become confident mathematicians who can explain both their reasoning and methodology when tackling problems.
Pupils are taught to apply their mathematical knowledge across the curriculum. We want children to realise that mathematics has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. Through real life contexts and cross curricular learning opportunities, we aim to ensure pupils understand that mathematics is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment.