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Admissions to our Nursery Foundation 1 Class (age 3-4)

If you would like your child to attend our part-time nursery (Foundation One), please contact the school directly on 0116 2661408.

Our Admissions to Nursery policy is shown below:

Admissions Foundation 2- year 6 (age 4-11)

If you would like your child to attend our school (F2 to Year 6) you will need to apply throught the Leicester City Council website by clicking the logo below.  If you need help with this please contact our school office on 0116 2621408.


If you would like to request a delay or deferral to your child's entry to our Reception Class, please contact the school for more information on 0116 2661408.





To explore the Leicester City Council's Admissions policies, click on the Admissions Policy link.

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