Our School Uniform
Our uniform consists of:
- A white t-shirt or shirt.
- Grey or black trousers.
- Grey or black shorts in the Summer months.
- A royal blue jumper, fleece or cardigan.
- A blue checked dress for summer or a grey pinafore.
- Shoes should be black with no other colours.
PE kit
Our PE Kit consists of:
- A white t-shirt
- Dark shorts, joggers or leggings
- Fleece or hoody
- Plimsolls for indoor PE
- Trainers for outdoor PE
We all want to do our best to prevent injuries. It is for this reason that no jewellery should be worn in school. Jewellery can easily be caught on hair or clothing and injury can be caused to the child. For newly pierced ears etc parents must cover ears with tape for the first six weeks only, then the rings must be removed.
Religious Jewellery
If parents insist on their child wearing jewellery, which their religion states must not be removed, a consent form must be completed and the jewellery must be taped or covered up by the parents on PE days. This is for the safety of the child and other children who may be injured as a result of this jewellery..
General uniforms can be purchased from any retailer, including supermarkets e.g. Asda, Tesco, etc, and specialist clothing shops e.g. Next, Primark, etc.
Branded school unifom is not compulsory. Branded uniform is available from Trendy Schoolwear, who will deliver orders to your home address.
Tel: 07809 50700