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Wyvern Primary School at home and beyond..

LearnEnglish Kids

LearnEnglish Kids has lots of free online games, songs, stories and activities for children to have fun and learn English too.

brit counc

BBC Bitesize

BBC Bitesize is a website designed to support further learning across a variety of age ranges. This site has lots of fun games and activities that will help you to practise your skills in English, Maths and Science

Click on the logo to find out more.


Reading Cloud (Online Library)

A new way to access the school library. You can...search, reserve or download resources from our school library and across the Reading Cloud •  Like and recommend resources to other pupils • Write a book review which could be selected as the review of the month • Read ebooks, over 1000 available to download right now • Plus much more...



ICT Games

This site provides educational ICT activites linked to the English National Curriculum. These games are generally targeted at primary school aged children.

Click on the dinosaur to explore the site!



Reading and Writing with Phonics


Learn more about reading and writing with sounds (phonics) by clicking on the logo!

oxford owl

Oxford Owl

Oxford Owl is packed with expert advice, top tips and activity ideas so you can help your child with reading and maths.

Click on the owl to find out more!




Teaching children how to use the internet and other technology safely is one of the most important roles for schools. However, parents and carers have a massive part to play as well! Click on the image to learn more about how to keep your child safe in every way.

nelson fox


At Wyvern Primary School, we use a handwriting scheme that provides a consistent whole-school approach to teaching handwriting from Reception to Year 6.

Click on the fox to find out more!



Parents and carers will soon be able to make all school-related payment either online or through their local PayPoint.

Use the parent guides to find out more.

Click on the picture to visit the SchoolMoney website and make your online payments now!

Click on the picture to visit the SchoolMoney website and make your online payments now!


Abuse robs children of their childhood. Without help, the scars of abuse can last a lifetime. And as devastating as it can be for the child, society pays a heavy price too.

Child abuse is preventable - not inevitable. And it’s up to each of us to do everything possible to keep childhood safe from abuse, so children can grow up healthy and thrive. Find out more by going to the website!

Attached is our letter to parents all about the NSPCC PANTS campaign!



Leicester Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB)

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children requires effective co-ordination.

Safeguarding Children Boards are the key statutory mechanisms for agreeing how the relevant organisations in each local area will co-operate to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in that locality, and for ensuring the effectiveness of what they do.


Click on the LSCB logo to find out more information for parents and carers.



TopMarks is a website full of different learning games for children of all ages! Most of the games are flash-based, which means that they may not work on some tablets and/or mobile phones e.g. Apple devices.

Click on the English or Maths buttons to the left to find out more!



Helping Your Child with Maths

In the following booklets, you will find out how specific areas of Maths are taught in school.You’ll also find a range of games and activities that you can use at home to build your child’s skills and confidence in these areas.

Click on the Owl to the full website where there are further top tips and fun ideas to help you support your child's learning at home.

KS2-Maths oxford
leics police

Leicestershire Police

Click on the Leicestershire Police badge to find out advice and information about how to keep your child safe outside of school!



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