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The Governing Body

Our governing body is made up of volunteers who are representatives from the community. We have parent governors, who are elected by parents of children currently at the school. We also have co-opted governors who are members of the community that have applied to be a governor of the school. These governors are co-opted because they bring a range of different skills. We also have an LA governor, who represents the local authority, Leicester City Council. In addition, the headteacher is a governor and there is one staff governor, elected by the staff at the school.All our governors are committed to ensuring we have an excellent school for the children. Governors have opportunities to attend training to help them be effective in their role.

Governors work with school leaders to ensure the vision of the school is delivered and help steer the strategic direction of the school. They ensure statutory requirements are met and that the school budget is spent effectively to meet the needs of the school.

On the document below you can see details of our governing body for the last full academic year. In the Autumn 2024, Mrs Becky Richardson was elected Chair of Governors and Mr Rahoul Naik was elected Vice-Chair of Governors.

We have three committees who meet termly with senior leaders of the school to discuss school life and to carry out visits to the school.

1, The Quality of Education Committee are responsible for learning, education and assessment. (Chair- Mrs Becky Richardson)

2. The Behaviour, Attitudes and Personal Development Committee are responsible for behaviour, wellbeing and developing our children in ways beyond the academic.(Chari- Mrs Reena Purewal)

3. The Leadership and Management Committee are responsible for matters including the school budget, staffing and Health and Safety.(Chair- Mrs Louise Smith)

Three times a year, the Full Governing Body meet to consider reports, ratify decisions put forward by the committees and make decisions.

Governor Vacancies

If you are interested in becoming a school governor, please contact the school by email or telephone to enquire about any vacancies..

info@wyvern.leicester.sch.uk        0116 2661408


Our New Chair of Governors for 2024-2025 is Mrs Becky Richardson. She can be contacted via the school office. 

Please Note: If you want to talk about something to do with the day to day running of the school,

please contact the headteacher, Mrs Sedgwick, or another member of the school's senior leadership team.


Governor Information for the last full academic year 2023-24

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