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A Message from the Headteacher

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Wyvern Primary School's website. I am very proud of our wonderful school and hope you find the information on this website helpful. The picture above, by Ian Mitchell, illustrates the variety of activities taking place at Wyvern.

The pupil governors have summed up our school in just a few sentences but if you are looking for a school place for your child, we would be delighted to tell you more about our school. If you would like to arrange a visit, please contact the school office.

Please contact the school office to speak to a member of staff. We do have interpreters available for some languages, if that is helpful to you. 

Mrs Sedgwick

A welcome from our Pupil Governors...

Welcome to Wyvern Primary School!

Our school is based on being fair, equal and multi-cultural. We are a Rights Respecting School and we are working hard to develop our Character Muscles and learn to be the best we can be. Our school promotes the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.

We are all part of a house team. Our house mascots are Diamond, Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire, who are all wyverns. 

We also pride ourselves on helping others and being friendly and supportive! We have shown this by supporting charities like Wear it Wild, Happy Shoesday, Unicef and Guide Dogs. We believe that all children deserve to be heard and that Pupil Voice is very important as it is our school and our education!

Everyone is kind and we have lots of fun whilst learning. We like going on educational visits and getting involved in lots of music, singing and sports like swimming and football!

We hope that you like our website and come to visit us soon!

Thank you,
The Wyvern Pupil Governors

Wellbeing Links for Families

The mental health and wellbeing of our children and community are very high priority for us at Wyvern. We have recently gained our Healthy Schools Network Silver Award for our work on mental health and we have achieved the Carnegie Mentally Healthy Schools Award.

The links below are useful websites for our families to use to support wellbeing.





Mental Health Identifier_BRONZE
R2R final logo accredited
Gold games
MH Award
ADHD QM Logo for School Use (horizontal)
Rights Respecting Silver Award
HS network
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